Movies aren’t dead after all! The actors are! Actors seek posthumous protections after big-screen resurrections

Movies aren’t dead after all! The actors are! Actors seek posthumous protections after big-screen resurrections:

From Reuters:

Filmmakers are tapping advances in digital technology to resurrect characters after a performer dies, most notably in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” The film, in theaters now, features the return of Grand Moff Tarkin, originally played by a long-dead actor.

The trend has sent Hollywood actors in the here-and-now scrambling to exert control over how their characters and images are portrayed in the hereafter.

“Celebrities are increasingly involved in making plans to protect their intellectual property rights,” said Mark Roesler, an attorney and chairman of CMG Worldwide, an agency representing celebrity estates. “They understand that their legacy will continue beyond their lifetime.”

This is going to be the newest trend in movies.. Expect old stars to come back. Be kind.. rewind.. go back.. the past is coming to the future.

I will say this: Grand Moff Tarkin, live in living color on the big screen, was as creepy as could be. The digital enhancement was evident.. But somehow it was flawless. The final scene with Carrie Fisher–may God rest her beautiful soul–was equally clumsy as much as it was breathtaking to see.. 

We are in the beginning of a new age of digital amazement.. The most amazing part may be the fact that stars we loved during their prime will be suddenly in their prime again.

But … is it creepy/ Is it weird? 

I sort of think so.
However, it’s all eventual. 
In a few movies and TV shows it will be as normal as a robot taking your manufacturing job.

Welcome to the future.
Sit back and grab the popcorn.