In like a lion.. Out like a CLICK

Happy March, dear friends. It’s been at least two weeks since I attempted to place any sort of update on this website. My sincere apologies for such neglect.. such awful neglect..

Life has been challenging lately.. For me at least. How about you? How have things been.. the family? The job? the pets..? the car?

Due to some unfortunate series of events in my life, I have taken to watching self-help videos on YouTube from people like Dave Ramsey.. His scheme to get out of debt isn’t so quick, and it’s awfully painful. Ralph Smart tells me that his INFINITE WATERS will bring me great joy if I just think positive.. All things will flow to me.  Tony Robbins gets fierce with people who ask him for help.. It is often difficult to watch and you wince knowing how quickly he deeply dives into someone’s soul in just moments..

It led me to a few get rich quick schemes in February — the total of which cost me $5 and earned me NADDA anywhere.. A scheme with no result. At least not a good one.

You see, I am sure this is the same for you often, life has a way to powerhouse you over.. to completely take every bit of energy from you and zap you into submission. But so often life is rewarding.. life abounds with joys and love.. Life is.. well .. just life.

Perhaps there is a certain daze still overtop of America since the awful election we lived through.. and the now five or so weeks of the Trump Administration and the Russian connection .. and the politics within everything, including sports and entertainment. Talk about sucking your soul, politics has a funny way of doing that.

Are there times when you just feel like you need a break? A time out. No, like literally, a time out.

A break from all of the self-helpers who talk from a distance ..
A break from work..
A break from the weather..  From it all.

I am not just talking about a vacation, but quite literally, I wish I was Adam Sandler in CLICK and I was literally able to pause life around me.. Pause the confusion and admire the moment. Because, just like in the movie CLICK, life somehow goes fast when you are not busy enjoying it.. when you are looking forward to the night. Or the weekend. Or the next weekend.. suddenly you find a week going by.. a month.. and already two months of 2017!!

March came in like a lion for me. I hope there is at least some resemblance of a lamb as it leaves..

But in the mean time .. I just want that remote  control. Just for a moment.. Just for a second…..

Instead.. maybe the stress will just lead to this: