TERROR IN VA: 3 DEAD ON DAY OF WHITE NATIONALIST RALLY Trump Sparks Backlash for Blaming Violence on ‘Many Sides’ CAR PLOWS INTO PROTESTERS… Video… Clashes leave dozens injured… State of Emergency…  Detroit Red Wings to white supremacists: Stop using our logo…  Battle over Robert E. Lee statue…  Trump condemns bigotry and violence… Biden jumps … Read moreMAKING AMERICA HATE AGAIN: THE WORLD WATCHES ATTACK IN VIRGINIA

KIM JONG’S ARMY: Country Claims More than 3.5 million North Koreans join the army to prepare for possible US conflict

KIM JONG’S ARMY: Country Claims More than 3.5 million North Koreans join the army to prepare for possible US conflict: This is what NORTH KOREA would like the world to believe:  North Korea has announced that around 3.5 million workers and party members have volunteered to join or rejoin the army .. Maybe .. maybe … Read moreKIM JONG’S ARMY: Country Claims More than 3.5 million North Koreans join the army to prepare for possible US conflict

Chimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship between the three different hand signals used in the well-known game rock-paper-scissors

Chimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship between the three different hand signals used in the well-known game rock-paper-scissors: Seven chimpanzees of different ages and sexes living in the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University were part of the experiment. They sat in a booth housing a computer-based touchscreen … Read moreChimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship between the three different hand signals used in the well-known game rock-paper-scissors