Strayedaway’s voice mail still making headlines ever after he changed his name

A few days back we reported some information about ‘Ty’ on Twitter. His handle was StrayedAway. He posted a weird voice mail his phone received with strange warnings of danger and what seemed to be coordinates to Malaysia. He also Tweeted that someone was taking flash photos of him at 3am a few days prior. All of it was weird enough to become viral..

People figured out the numbers on his voice mail to be potentially the GPS location to where the missing flight MH370 went down! Speculation was abundant! TY posted a message of someone telling him to delete his voice mail message! Clyde Lewis picked it up! Heather Wade picked it up! Paranormal sites went nuts, and suddenly the story trended in such a hardcore way that TY deleted his Twitter altogether, restarting it a few days later under a new name.

That does not mean the furor has vanished.

HEADLINE FOX NEWS: Creepy military voicemail warning of impending Doomsday sends internet into meltdown

HEADLINE THE UK SUN: Creepy military-coded voicemail message sent to random phones goes viral sparking MH370 alien theories and fears of an impending doomsday

HEADLINE AUSTRALIAN NEWS: AN OMINOUS voicemail in military code sent to random Twitter users’ phones has sparked fear and paranoia over links to MH370, alien life and a Doomsday date.

Ty, new back with a new handle, Tweeted a humorous message in regards to the media sensation he has become:

All of this is still bizarre.. still weird.. still beyond wildest paranormal dreams when it comes to headline news smashing together with the unusual and strange. The X-FILES and Art Bell coming alive with a real life mystery of military messages and paranormal alien encounters. And a missing airline that was never found. This is the fodder for conspiracy.

TY himself does not seem overly prone to enjoying it. He seems a bit hesitant about the spotlight he is in. As a matter of fact, the creator or DEAR DAVID now appears to be writing a fictional tale, but TY just wants to go back to his life.

Last night GROUND ZERO’s Clyde Lewis hosted a full show about this topic. It got weird at a few points, including one portion when a caller phoned him saying she received three similar weird voice mails and after each one someone in her family mysteriously or tragically passed away.

If you have interest (and I bet you do) you can listen to the full Clyde Lewis show here: