Ellicot City in Maryland has been flooded..

Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and went to the scene of the devastation Sunday night. He said in a tweet that he has directed the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to assist in helping the city recover. A flood emergency was first issued in Ellicott City at 4:40 p.m. Two hours later, National Weather … Read moreEllicot City in Maryland has been flooded..

STAR WARS fever becomes a sleepless night.. Maybe Disney had some misguided hopes

DID DISNEY OVERREACH WHEN IT DECIDED TO SPAWN COUNTLESS STAR WARS SEQUELS, SIDE STORIES, AND CHARACTER EVOLUTIONS? .. WHAT WOULD THE ORIGINAL HANS THINK NOW!?   S.o.l. SOLO!? THE BOX OFFICE CRASH OF HANS!?Disney and Lucasfilm’s Solo: A Star Wars Story is struggling in its debut at the Memorial Day box office, where it’s coming in well … Read moreSTAR WARS fever becomes a sleepless night.. Maybe Disney had some misguided hopes

Pressure building in your head.. now brain injuries in China for US government employees

Various sources are reporting this news.. it’s quote from ABC NEWS in its summation of odd events: A U.S. government employee in southern China suffered a brain injury after reporting strange “sensations of sound and pressure,” a strikingly similar account to what American personnel experienced in recent years in Cuba, State Department officials said on Wednesday. In a health alert to … Read morePressure building in your head.. now brain injuries in China for US government employees

Volcano Eruption Watch in Hawaii

Hundreds of small earthquakes in Hawaii are shaking the eastern side of Big Island, prompting concerns that Kilauea Volcano could erupt. Residents in the area should prepare and review emergency plans in case of evacuation, warned the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency on Wednesday. Officials are keeping watch on Kilauea Volcano, which is one of the … Read moreVolcano Eruption Watch in Hawaii

Mementos of yesterday: Will that be smoking, or non?

Here I go again.. One day I decry nostalgia, the next day I find it while ruffling through the junk drawer in the kitchen. This pack of matches comes from last century, back when Henry’s Family Dining inhabited the address where the current ‘Mineshaft’ in Ashland resides. I enjoyed Henry’s more than others.. I worked … Read moreMementos of yesterday: Will that be smoking, or non?