Mementos of yesterday: Will that be smoking, or non?

Here I go again.. One day I decry nostalgia, the next day I find it while ruffling through the junk drawer in the kitchen.

This pack of matches comes from last century, back when Henry’s Family Dining inhabited the address where the current ‘Mineshaft’ in Ashland resides.

I enjoyed Henry’s more than others.. I worked there from 1995 through the closing when it eventually became Ted and Kathy’s. While it was not my first and ONLY job during the time frame, it was one of the more long term jobs I’ve held and also potentially one of the most important..

Waiting tables should be a requirement. Bartending, bussing, taking orders from often times people devoid of kindness, it should all be a requirement. It prepares you for life, for the obstacles of what is to come..

Henry’s did that for me.

I hold a special place in my heart for Turkey Sunday.
The Broiled Fish Combo.
And the amazing Friday night seafood chowder. Memories and tastes gone by…