Month: August 2019
The mystery TV head man
Strange tales coming from Henrico County Virginia..
A mysterious character wearing a fake TV set on his head spent a night carefully placing over 50 old TV sets on the porches of dozens of houses in the area..
People were waking up on Sunday and calling police to report not theft.. but the gift of an old television set..
Storm Area 51 events forcing local officials to consider crowd planning
Storm Area 51 events forcing local officials to consider crowd planning
THE SKY IS FALLING! Small town clown scares happening already and it’s not even autumn yet
A Pennywise with writing on its head fell from the sky into a woman’s backyard. She burned it and then was so freaked out she said she slept with a knife.
Rest in peace, Mike Getz
Mike Getz was a true person, a kind person.. an honest person. He cherished the moments he had in life, you can tell.. as you were checking out he would equally give you those lessons, teach you those little interesting tidbits about life. Comment on the news of the day and give you a life coaching event that could keep you from getting to your next commitment. But it was good. You made it last longer, and you enjoyed it. Every moment.
Halloween in August
While I am not complaining about seeing signs of my favorite season, maybe August is a little too early for Halloween ? ? ?
HE-MAN is going to be the master of the Netflix universe thanks to Kevin Smith
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE is coming back for a limited series to ‘revolve’ some storylines.. 30 years since the show broke into the pop culture universe of 80s kids, and with SHE-RA already reappearing n the streaming service, this new news is causing similar excitement..
Saturdays are made for massacres
By the time Americans went to bed last night, they were tired.. the massacre that took place in El Paso was too much to handle for some, especially given the fact that a 4-month-old was reportedly among victims of the shooting at Walmart near the Cielo Vista mall.. So that’s why 13 hours after the … Read moreSaturdays are made for massacres