The day that terrorism flew over Schuylkill County

Consider this… if you were alive and well in Tremont, Pine Grove, you were touched by terror… The Bear Mountain area of Schuylkill County was touched by terror.. 

Places like Schuylkill Haven, the McKeansburg Hotel, and Auburn all had a moment with this.

The flight path of the doomed Flight 93 went over all of these communities on that date..

Actors on Labor Day’s center stage

Photo buffs know the truth behind the classic photo: It was staged. The men in the picture were real ironworkers. They did build the structure that is now the 22nd tallest building in New York City and home to NBC studios. But rather than capture them in the midst of their lunch break, the photographer posed them on the beam for multiple takes — images that were intended as advertising for the new building. Some historians believe there was a sturdy level of the structure, then called the RCA building, just below the frame.