WITHOUT WARNING 25 years later

When WITHOUT WARNING aired in 1994, it was 56 years after Orson Welles’ famous WAR OF THE WORLDS tricked radio audiences across America that aliens were landing on the planet earth..

While the WITHOUT WARNING show was not critically acclaimed–actually was critically evicerated by reviewers at the time–it seemingly wanted to do exactly the same thing that WAR OF THE WORLDS did: Trick some people into thinking the story was true..

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The Wild Joker in box offices: Strange stories from theaters

In Huntington Beach, California, one theater cancelled two screenings Thursday night after receiving a threat, police said. Friday showings have resumed as scheduled. 

In New York City, police responded to a screening after one audience member sparked fears by spitting on others and clapping loudly every time the Joker killed someone.

Fearing he had ill intentions, police escorted the man out of the theater. A witness reported that the man had poured a bottle of tequila into his slushie before the movie began.  

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