Daylight fading coming.. waste another year

Daylight saving time became a national standard in 1966 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which was established as a way to continue to conserve energy.

The thinking was if it’s light out longer, that’s less time you’ll need to use the lights in your house.

Thanks Lyndon..

In the United States: Seven states — Alabama, Arkansas, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington and Florida — have approved legislation to make daylight saving time permanent. However, these states still need the OK from Congress to enact the change.

Daylight Saving Time is now used in over 70 countries worldwide and affects over one billion people every year. The beginning and end dates vary from one country to another.

Daylight saving time will return at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 8, 2020, when we will “spring forward” and lose an hour of sleep.

In the mean time.. we can let the Counting Crows remind us that daylight is fading.. and we wasted another year…