Kfood, Kfun and Kface coverings

Social media has become toxic.. the latest craze on the socials: Mask debates..

Some today decried Governor Tom Wolf’s new rule today mandating face coverings for any time you leave your home.. Others have taken the stance that such rules have become necessary to attempt to slow Pennsylvania cases from rising like other states have seen after reopening portions of their economies..


The one family fun greatest place on earth was a final refuge away from the madness of 2020! Knoebels opened on a hot beautiful July 1..

And by the end of the night, news accounts and reports from the park were so rampant on social media, the park had to do an about face on its mask policy.

Original the park said that face coverings would be recommended, but if someone was not wearing one it would be assumed that the person suffered a medical condition. However, people posting from the park throughout opening day reported a vast majority of people not wearing any face coverings at all..

And this on a day when the state signed an order forcing a mask in all public places!


Knoebels was forced to go to the socials to offer up a new policy, one more strict and direct: No mask? No entry!

The mask slackers were put on notice!

Knoebels issued this statement:

We’ve been told our candidness is appreciated – So we’re just going to be open and honest. We tried our best to communicate a mask policy that took into account valid conditions that could prevent a guest from wearing a mask. However, after evaluating the day, it was clear that revising the policy is in the best interest of everyone who works at and visits Knoebels. With this being the case, the following policy will be effective beginning tomorrow. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!

And with that, the predictable flood bank of comments opened up on the page.


The park is also saying that face shields are perfectly fine for customers, but not on rides where the shield could become a deadly projectile forcing the park to lose some kfun and kFantasy..



Lately it seems that there are two corners of social media: In one order, those whiny liberals who decry Trump and cry in corners while wearing masks, fearing a fake virus that CNN tells them exists.

In the other, killer MAGA conservatives who are endangering all of humanity by choosing to spread a killer virus in large crowds, putting all of the world’s future in dire jeopardy!

There is no middle ground. That’s it. Two quadrants of extremes..

So divided in this nation we have become.. all over a cloth covering a nose and mouth.
And then is when people choose to wear the mask the right way! Some drape it loosely down below their chin and they freely breathe out their germs in a grocery store aisle near you..




Some of the confusion and debate over masks, quite honestly, has been because of horrible mixed messages from health and government officials.

It was not too long ago that the federal government, even including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were publicly saying masks were mostly pointless and ineffective.


Even the WHO commented earlier before the initial shutdowns that mask wearing would lead to a false sense of security.whoMasks

President Trump won’t wear one in public. Mike Pence will..

x x x

What does science say?

Science writer Krista Conger spoke with two Stanford researchers involved in the change to the WHO guidelines: Amy Price, PhD, a senior research scientist at Stanford’s Anesthesia Informatics and Media Laboratory, and Larry Chu, MD, a professor of anesthesia and director of the AIM Laboratory. They recently co-authored an article in Nanotechnology Letters assessing the filtering and breathability of various household fabrics often used to make masks.

Among the comments Chu said this on how masks could prevent the spread of Covid-19:

In order to answer this, it’s first important to understand the concept of source control. We’ve learned that as many as 40% of people infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 may have no symptoms. But when they talk, cough or sneeze, they can still spread the virus to others in the form of respiratory droplets expelled into the air. Those droplets evaporate into fine particles that may linger. The mask traps these larger droplets before they can evaporate. So, wearing a mask regularly can prevent spreading at the source even when we don’t know we are sick. But masks are just one important way to prevent this disease from spreading. Washing your hands regularly and thoroughly and keeping at least 6 feet apart from one another are still vitally important.


Here is my vote..

Halloween season at Knoebels should still happen. Halloween masks should be mandatory.

Make it a clown mask.. and we will all be fine with that in 2020.

Just a thought …