According to Rocco Arruzzo, Pennsylvania Regional Manager of Lexington International Reality, the managing company of the Fairlane Village Mall. TJ Maxx has signed a lease to build a store at the south entrance where Brothers Buffet currently is. Arruzzo said his company is working with the owners of the chinese restaurant to relocate their establishment to the former Wells Fargo area near Boscovs. Arruzzo also said the store will only be accessed from outside the mall and will not have an entrance from the mall itself.
While we have so often reported on the “death of the mall,” this is the one rare incident of a new life within the confines of old school 20th century retail..
However what does a TJ MAXX mean for a location…?
New life, yes to a degree..
A discount life..
From various reports across the nation, TJ MAXX is often utilized to offset the plight of troubled malls.
Retail establishments once anchored by major corporations like JC Penny’s, Sears, or Bon Ton, are often adorned by stores like Ross, Home Goods, or TJ Maxx..
Several years ago, TJ MaxX was called the “rare store” that was thriving in America’s dead malls.
The booming sales at TJ Maxx have underscored the extent to which shoppers generally embrace off-price shopping, with its promise of name brands at low prices and a treasure hunt-like shopping experience.
In 2018, media reported as to why TJ Maxx sales were thriving..
Business INSIDER reported this in 2018: Studies show that Americans are increasingly choosing to spend money on technology and experiences like vacations over apparel. When they shop for clothing, an increasing number of them are going to discount stores like TJ Maxx or ordering from Amazon. “The shopping that used to be done in the mall is now at Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, TJ Maxx, and Walmart,” Davidowitz said.
CNN reported in 2019 that TJ Maxx was killing department stores..
TJ Maxx opened at the Laurel Mall in Hazleton.
And now Pottsville..
For dying malls, TJ Maxx seems to be the calm before the storm…