A screen shot taken from video this weekend in La Palma is giving people a creepy vibe..
Do you see the face in the startling video from the Canary Islands? Or is it just Pareidolia…?
A closer inspection:

There have been some jaw dropping videos and photos from the eruption on the Canary Islands over the past week .. while experts seem to suggest that the spewing volcano on La Palma has stabilized, others are worrying that its seismic impact and effects could last well into November..
Early as the eruption began, video was circulating of lava literally eating up land and even cool pool waters:
Reuters showed it swallowing up modern infrastructure like some video game:
The molten rock flowing in two streams from the fissures that opened on the Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge in the south of the island could continue expelling lava until November or December, according to experts.
Some 6,000 people have been evacuated from the affected areas so far, as residents anxiously watch the lava flow devour homes, holiday villas and crops as it inches its way toward the Atlantic Ocean…
Another video shows the volcanic eruption appearing to look like solar flares!
Some images of the event are harrowing..
There have been fears through the years that a major eruption on the Canary Islands could lead to a land collapse and eventual East Coast tsunami..
x x x
This is how the DAILY AMERICAN in Somerset Pennsylvania reported the possibility on October 10, 2000… Pretty frightful!

But other sources, including the International Tsunami Information Center, tried to discredit the long running rumor several years ago:

As the volcano raged on September 19 2021, the government weighed in telling by people to stop being afraid!
There is NO tsunami danger for the U.S. East Coast at this time, following the eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands. The National Tsunami Warning Center is monitoring this situation, and based on all available data, including nearby water level observations, there is no tsunami hazard for the U.S. East Coast. A reminder, tsunami alerts are disseminated through National Weather Service and broadcast through official pathways including the Emergency Alert System, NOAA Weather Radio, and Wireless Emergency Alerts.

The link between the eruption of Cumbre Vieja and a mega-tsunami that could strike the U.S. may stem from a 2001 scientific study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. After investigating the effect of the volcano’s eruptions in 1971 and 1949, the authors believed that the entire structure of the volcano could be comprised in the event of a further eruption. The authors believed that what they termed as the “catastrophic failure of its west flank” would drop between 150 and 500 km³ of rock into the sea, which could result in tsunami waves that could transit the entire Atlantic ocean. They said that these waves could arrive at the Eastern Coast of the U.S. with a height of between around 33 and 82 feet. Subsequent studies published after the 2001 research diminished the threat expressed in the paper or dismissed it entirely. In a study published the following year, George Pararas-Carayannis, editor of the journal Science of Tsunami Hazards: wrote: “The threat of mega tsunami generation from collapses of oceanic island stratovolcanoes has been greatly overstated. No mega-tsunamis can be expected.”
In the 2002 paper, Pararas-Carayannis suggested that several incorrect assumptions in the modeling of volcano eruptions and slope failures and their link to tsunamis led to overestimates of the “far-field effects” of the natural disasters.…
And now as La Palma rocks, the government says to breathe easy..
but that…. face.. that face. those eyes…. We can try out best to breathe easy, but …..those eyes…

Just staring….just grinning its devilish pose..
Sure, no worries. NO threat… NO fear.
But … fear itself is fearful!
Look at this live video of the earth spewing.. and tell me that a tsunami can’t happen………