Famed Harvard Epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding Tweet about the Danville Monkey Situation

In the many days since the Danville crash and subsequent monkey culling took place, a number of sources have become fixated with the developments. From local sources all the way to international publications to now famed Harvard Epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding.

Eric Feigl-Ding has become a notable source for COVID information since the pandemic began in 2020. He currently boasts over 687,000 followers on the platform. Earlier today, Feigl-Ding decided to report on the points of interest regarding the Danville monkey situation, along with Michele Fallon’s subsequent statements and sickness.

He Tweeted

After the initial Tweet, the expert expressed shock at the way the monkeys were being shipped and treated, writing,

apparently the 100 monkeys headed to the CDC lab were from Africa and **were not quarantined**! What kind of animal import protocol is this? plus, the woman stepped in the monkey feces

Feigl-Ding continues in Tweets to report the exposure and subsequent symptoms that Michele Fallon began feeling that forced her to visit the Geisinger Danville emergency room..

He also makes a valid point on what danger level people face as a result of this incident:

It’s not everyday that @CDCgov representatives fly out to rural Pennsylvania (Danville is in the middle of the state surrounded by Appalachia mountains)— if the CDC monkeys were headed to a lab, escaped, euthanized— we should be told what was special about the monkeys.

He also comments on the CDC here:


The initial reports on Friday night were that 4 monkeys were on the loose. Eventually 3 were caught and the matter was considered done. But Feigl-Ding asks about that in this Tweet:

He concludes with a comment of caution:

my question for @CDCgov — Why wasn’t the truck carrying the monkeys marked indicating it was carrying potentially bio-hazardous contents? or very least have better trailer locks against contents of monkey crates spilling all across the highway? Or quarantine them before hand?

Additionally, the initial news reports were that the monkeys were heading to Florida. Now new information revealed states it was actually Missouri..

Map from I-80 to Missouri

Feigl-Ding concludes with this point:

plus, if the @CDCgov needed to issue this warning letter to first responders and close contacts, then precautions should have been taken before hand with the truck! Which again, the truck was headed to a CDC lab in Missouri without prior quarantine of the African monkeys

x x x

And finally, speaking of Twitter, it is notable that Dustin Hoffman was found trending for a bit of time today on the medium.

It was not for anything new or a movie upcoming.. instead because of his appearance in the movie OUTBREAK from the 1990s, which was … about monkeys that spread a new virus in a small town..