Exceptionally warm weather on the way for central, eastern US due to pattern change

So maybe the groundhog was right all along.. a winter that never really happened and just needs to end.

Keep this in mind as the broiler is going go be turned on in February and early March– it was a pitiful winter of almost no snow and cold and anything to remember.

It’s going to get warm and we will see a lot of storms too.

Across the Midwest and Great Lakes, snowfall is a few feet below what’s normal by this point. 

Over a foot and a half of snow is still missing for the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, despite finally recording a few inches of snow earlier this month.

Snowfall deficits are extreme downwind of the Great Lakes where Syracuse, New York, and Erie, Pennsylvania, are each missing nearly 5 feet of snow.

Ice is also almost nowhere to be found on the Great Lakes. Close to 40% of the Great Lakes are typically covered in ice by late February, but total ice coverage was near a record-low 6% Thursday.

Will we get that surprise storm in March or April? Maybe. But after this winter of snowless discontent who even cares anymore ..