THE SKY IS FALLING! Small town clown scares happening already and it’s not even autumn yet

This interesting story is being shared from our neighbors in the Garden State:

A Pennywise with writing on its head fell from the sky into a woman’s backyard. She burned it and then was so freaked out she said she slept with a knife.

Renee Jensen was enjoying the summer in her Harrington Park backyard on Saturday with her boyfriend, Alex, when she spotted something near the side gate.

The object appeared to be airborne, headed straight for the yard.

“Did a freaking bird die in midair or something?” she thought, going over to see what it was.

Looking down at the object, she jumped back.

It was Pennywise the clown. Albeit, a stout, cartoon version of the murderous clown from “It,” but Pennywise nonetheless. The plush character’s mouth was reddened with fake “blood.”

The small town clown craze of a few years ago may come back!

This autumn: The Joker and Pennywise are both in theaters.

And apparently it’s getting so bad clowns are even falling from the sky.