Never let the dream be forgotten

In 1968 about 3000 people lived in tents on the Mall in an antipoverty demonstration in Washington D.C. The rally was inspired by Martin Luther King. King was a Baptist minister who became one of the most important voices in Civil Rights history.. American history. World history.  Today, January 15, 2018, is Martin Luther King … Read moreNever let the dream be forgotten

The Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.

The Maryland couple who went viral after posting controversial videos of them playing “pranks” on their kids have lost custody of the two youngest children, at least temporarily, the Baltimore Sun reports. They are called the DaddyOFive on Youtube.. they are otherwise known as Michael and Heather Martin. And just recently they posted a public apology on … Read moreThe Daddy of Five becomes the Daddy of Three.. and the fame was history.


I had a bit of an emotional morning the other day .. at a strange place no less: A gas station.. After filling my car with regular octane, I walked into the store to grab a snack and coffee … and noticed Halloween candy. Halloween candy!?  And back to school signs! Autumn!? School buses!? I … Read moreTHE END OF AUGUST. THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL DAZE.