A different view of the election. This is what the red state vs blue state breakdown in America would look like if a state was as big as their vote count.. it would look much different..
campaign 2012
Now that the Republicans have Mitt Romney out of the way, the real race will begin for 2016 (the one they knew they’d be competing in anyway): Rubio Heads to Iowa
Sorry Mitt, all your friends had a backup plan. Now that the Republicans have Mitt Romney out of the way, the real race will begin for 2016 (the one they knew they’d be competing in anyway): Rubio Heads to Iowa
Romney was ‘shellshocked’ that he lost on election night..
Jan Crawford of CBS news writes: They just couldn’t believe they had been so wrong. And maybe they weren’t: There was Karl Rove on Fox saying Ohio wasn’t settled, so campaign aides decided to wait. They didn’t want to have to withdraw their concession, like Al Gore did in 2000, and they thought maybe the … Read moreRomney was ‘shellshocked’ that he lost on election night..
The GOP lament: Was it Chris Christie’s fault!?
Robert Costa wrote a NATIONAL REVIEW article today, linked above, about the election results. What caused Romney to lose? The quote on NJ Gov Chris Christie that caught my attention: Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, the adviser adds, is persona non grata in Romney’s inner circle. “He went out of his way to embrace … Read moreThe GOP lament: Was it Chris Christie’s fault!?
I’m So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week Oh Chris Matthews.. why do you say those things you do?
An interesting back story about last night’s election results: Fox News vs Karl Rove. Love lost??
Post-election-celebration: Now the hard part. Figuring out what, if anything, actually changed. Billions of dollars were spent. For…? What?
The election is over. WE CAN ALL UNITE and be thankful for that. The campaign mudslinging gets tiresome–even boring. The negative ads were so plentiful this year that, frankly, people stopped noticing them. It was just frightening images of President Obama and Governor Romney set Armageddon style music. But it’s over. We have a winner. And it … Read morePost-election-celebration: Now the hard part. Figuring out what, if anything, actually changed. Billions of dollars were spent. For…? What?
Drudge Report has on the exit poll information already, (along with that strange ad of the bald man who looks like Obama) Looking like an early night perhaps???
A beautiful election day sunset!! Polls are busy where I am, and probably your area too. Take pride America, this is your day…
Trying to read the tea leaves on TV
I was watching coverage of the election on all three major networks, CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. On those programs during interviews, Republicans look a little nervous and Democrats look a little overconfident. Not sure if my observations mean anything, it could just be that Republicans are nervous and Democrats are overconfident, or it could mean … Read moreTrying to read the tea leaves on TV