Just started following High Carb Hannah

The site .. http://highcarbhannah.tumblr.com I’m not completely at a no animal fats point yet but my diet has significantly altered over the past decade to get me closer.. The thoughts of how I ate in my early 20s is horrible considering how I feel now compared to then.. I don’t like getting preachy about food, … Read moreJust started following High Carb Hannah

New research by scientists at Northwestern University in the US followed 10,000 males from the age of 12 until 32. Over this time, the men who had children gained weight – an average of 4lbs – whereas the men who remained childless actually lost 1.4lbs. One of the most notable facts: the men who become “resident fathers” grew 2.6% fatter than fathers who scarpered.

As a father myself I get this and believe it.. I gained some weight not only during my wife’s pregnancy but also in the post baby days. My entire body chemistry changed for about two years until I stopped recognizing myself in a mirror.. A diet change and exercise occurred but now as my son … Read moreNew research by scientists at Northwestern University in the US followed 10,000 males from the age of 12 until 32. Over this time, the men who had children gained weight – an average of 4lbs – whereas the men who remained childless actually lost 1.4lbs. One of the most notable facts: the men who become “resident fathers” grew 2.6% fatter than fathers who scarpered.

Andrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can no longer stomach it. The exercise in eating began after he decided in February to “not” give up Chipotle for Lent — what he referred to as “Chipotlent.” That initial 46-day streak started off as an innocent joke with a text sent to his brother, Nick.

He had over 111,000 calories in 154 days.. And according to his blog detailing his eating habits he’s gotten healthier.. Andrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can … Read moreAndrew Hawryluk, a 23-year-old animator and avid Chipotle fan, has spent the past 154 days dining at the popular Mexican chain — his favorite restaurant — and says he’ll keep doing so until he can no longer stomach it. The exercise in eating began after he decided in February to “not” give up Chipotle for Lent — what he referred to as “Chipotlent.” That initial 46-day streak started off as an innocent joke with a text sent to his brother, Nick.

I’ll be a foodie tonight.. chick pea cakes with peppers over greens with a homemade barbecue sauce. Brussel sprouts and brown rice. Ultimate dinner ..amazing taste. Homemade apple pie baked in a cast iron skillet for dessert.. all still a part of the one ingredient lifestyle.m

Visa on internet-connected fridges will instantly buy your groceries

The future is bright..and fresh and cold. But if you’re like me you’re both anticipating the amazing ability of a just in time future of groceries but also completely creeped out by the logical and negative conclusions of the brave new world. Get ready for your future. GMO automatically delivered when your smart fridge decides…. … Read moreVisa on internet-connected fridges will instantly buy your groceries