Update on the Tuscon massacre

Claim: Tuscon killer Jared Loughner frequented conspiracy and UFO sites….sought community at AboveTopSecret.com..But fellow commenters questioned his sanity in threads!Above Top Secret’s statement on their most famous user.. And in news about Loughner’s shooting – on the DAY OF the shooting: AP reports: Investigators on Tuesday revealed more disturbing details about the events leading up … Read moreUpdate on the Tuscon massacre

This just made chills run up my spine..

Christina Greene, the 9-year-old killed today in Arizona, was born on one of the most important days in our nation’s history: Born on September 11, 2001, Greene was excited about the political process The persons dead tonight are gone from earth, and their families now are left to grapple with the aftermath of madness.. But … Read moreThis just made chills run up my spine..