So what did CARRIE fail at the box office?

I thought the cool secret advertisement that was done in the New York City coffee shop did a great job showcasing the movie.. I have seen endless ads for the film.. the word of mouth has been decent, and actually I even saw a review in CHRISTIANITY TODAY that portrayed the movie in a much … Read moreSo what did CARRIE fail at the box office?

Living a nightmare.. the camp where you can live out a slasher film

Continuing on my horror subjects today..  Living a nightmare: Summer camp will let people live out a slasher flick..  The camp did warn this: During Great Horror Campout you may be forcibly handled, moved, bound, hooded, chained and subjected to simulated torture by our actors. You may witness strong verbal content, which may be considered offensive … Read moreLiving a nightmare.. the camp where you can live out a slasher film

Tis the season: Taking another look at Halloween 3

Years ago, I would host and attend regular movie parties. We’d sit and watch awful films, laugh at plots, mock the narrative, and just have genuine fun. It was like MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 with a bunch of immature brats and younger adults who wanted to stay young–all of us were not paid for our … Read moreTis the season: Taking another look at Halloween 3