Living a nightmare.. the camp where you can live out a slasher film

Continuing on my horror subjects today.. 

Living a nightmare: Summer camp will let people live out a slasher flick..

 The camp did warn this: During Great Horror Campout you may be forcibly handled, moved, bound, hooded, chained and subjected to simulated torture by our actors. You may witness strong verbal content, which may be considered offensive in nature. This content is part of the experience and is presented for entertainment purposes only.

I don’t think I’d attend this one. Maybe when I was 18, or 20.. or 21.. But as a 32-year-old my perspective on lots of stuff has changed. And in a world that is damn scary enough with real crime and slashing, why would one want to subject their hearts and minds to a fake surrounding of terror? To each their own. 

Ten years ago I’d be interested in signing up. Now I’d just rather be in bed by 11pm and sleep peacefully with a slasher trying to gut me..even if it’s not real.