Flu hitting young and middle-age adults unusually hard

Lots of news articles are touting the benefits of getting the flu shot. We are being told it’s not too late to get it now.  I don’t want to get in a debate about that, I have my opinions, I think it’s worth asking what else may be causing this. I argue that there could … Read moreFlu hitting young and middle-age adults unusually hard

It’s rather sickening to think about the percentage of the day I am sitting for

I have been inspired by my nephew, a little over a decade younger than me, coming back from several weeks of his training to become a Marine and seeing a healthy, altogether different looking young man.. It made me realize the roly poly little bout-faced boy I am becoming needs to stop. I think it’s … Read moreIt’s rather sickening to think about the percentage of the day I am sitting for