Those crazy Ruskies.. Claim: Women kept “alien corpse” in her freezer–and authorities in Russia took it..
Boy those Ruskies sure know how to do things… Vlad the impaler Putin released a new campaign ad .. which may be the raunchiest ever.. After an attractive woman meets an attractive man, a slogan appears: “Let’s Do It Together." Indeed Putin wants people to do that.. The same Putin who urged Russians a few … Read more
Pootie Poot back.. Vlad the impaler decided he’ll be president of Russia again
Pootie Poot back.. Vlad the impaler decided he’ll be president of Russia again
And speaking of UFOs and cross dressing FBI leaders, here is a strange situation coming from the great nation of Russia: A video is making way quickly around the world of a purported alien being, lifeless in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash a last month..
Russians lay down the law
And they don’t want you to Gmail or Skype about it.. For some reason, Russia seems to be planning out a ban of Hotmail, Gmail, Skype, all because they pose a ‘security threat’ of some type to the nation. “The FSB would like to ban these services in Russia because "security authorities cannot access them” The UK … Read moreRussians lay down the law
Not trying to doom and gloom up a Friday.. But
Two Russian Kamchatka VOLCANOES ERUPTED almost simultaneously with the strong 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan More here
I have taken a decision to cancel the move to ‘winter’ time starting from autumn of the current year A quote from President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, as reported by Russian news agencies. Sure the cold war is over.. but I just love how Russian news agencies re-report what Medvedev said.. He decided. He canceled. So … Read more