This is going to be a problem.. But our choices about how to handle it may be worse

I often feel guilty for not giving much attention to dementia on this website… My grandmother suffered from Alzheimer’s for 12 years (perhaps longer) until she died.. I was robbed of her love for much of my life.. I hate Alzheimer’s and all of its effects. The notion of the brain deteriorating and turning to … Read moreThis is going to be a problem.. But our choices about how to handle it may be worse

Technology has finally passed the ‘creepy’ line territory. And it won’t stop there

Google has applied for a patent, #20130297301 that may be creepier than a horror movie. They have the grand idea for a tattoo on your neck that can perceive when you are lying.. If you don’t believe the words you’re reading, you can go directly to the US PATENT and TRADEMARK office website and read … Read moreTechnology has finally passed the ‘creepy’ line territory. And it won’t stop there

Who killed October horror movies? Who cares?

A very interesting story is appearing in USA TODAY, today.. Who killed the Halloween horror movies is the title, and the article goes in depth on how October has become an unusually quiet month for horror flicks–only the remake of CARRIE is really set to scare this month. … and USA TODAY concludes this, which I agree … Read moreWho killed October horror movies? Who cares?

Don’t get yourself caught up in an Amityville situation

We all know the story of Amityville horror, whether by watching the movie or remake, reading the book, or listening to countless interviews with lawyers and the family supposedly haunted by the murders that took place within the home in New York. The house exists still and is back and forth on the real estate … Read moreDon’t get yourself caught up in an Amityville situation

This story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease

The strange disease known only as ‘nodding disease’ is confounding experts.. it is also killing children at an alarming rate.. unknown are the causes.. what is known is this: The disease affects only children and gradually devastates its victims through debilitating seizures, stunted growth, wasted limbs, mental disabilities and sometimes starvation.. This story is sad … Read moreThis story is sad and alarming: More than 3,000 children from Northern Uganda suffering from debilitating mystery ailment known as nodding disease