The Munsters TV reboot in development at NBC

The Munsters TV reboot in development at NBC: The Munsters are set to make their return to the small screen, with Variety reporting that Seth Meyers is set to executive produce a reboot of the classic comedy series, which has Jill Kargman (Odd Man Out) penning the script. I have some very mixed feelings on … Read moreThe Munsters TV reboot in development at NBC

Now could be a fun time to visit the DESTINATION AMERICA Facebook page..

The amount of comments on various threads about last night’s botched live EXORCISM tells the story.. there is anger, “lols” .. all of the rest. Read away and enjoy this Halloween day: I still can’t believe in my right mind that the station billed this for a year, plugged it hardcore for months, and for the … Read moreNow could be a fun time to visit the DESTINATION AMERICA Facebook page..

I went back and found this Microsoft PAINT creation I made in the year almost ten years ago–already! It seems like yesterday.  What was obvious then is that TV mattered–certainly more so than it does NOW as proven by the TIME magazine article I posted tonight on the death of television.. Pop culture was once … Read more

A MUST READ!!! The Holiday TV Guide 2013

There is a huge list to be aware of! When is your favorite show coming on??? You can find out now. For me..the following: A Charlie Brown ChristmasABCDec 2, 8PM National Lampoon’s Christmas VacationABCFAMDec 3, 10PM Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer CBS Nov 26, 8PM  A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving ABC Nov 28, 8PM Lady Gaga & … Read moreA MUST READ!!! The Holiday TV Guide 2013