CNN is about to make a major change and have LESS news.. Well, the Weather Channel stopped airing weather..

The Central New Network may as well fire all their newscasters..

Call me crazy, but I miss the days of CNN’S HEADLINE NEWS back in the early days when they’d have a live broadcast, every half hour, of the news of the moment. Am I dating myself with that one? 

But it was CNN HEADLINE NEWS—real news–like NEWS. And not just blips and beeps coming from talking heads. I am tired of politics.. I am tired of the ‘right wing and left wing’ arguments, arguments that go no where and are tired out from their own weight of hair air. And now CNN will air less news..

I am releasing a big ‘sigh.’ 

I suppose this is only more evidence to show why millions of people go immediately to the INTERNET and Twitter for news–news you cannot find, or ever will, on any news network on the TEE VEE..