24 “news” networks

Anyone else frustrated!!? What a waste of time.. CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC.. all those hours a day and nothing to show for it.

A revolution in Egypt.. And more. Tunisia.. Now IRAN! …the Patriot Act passes tonight.. there are tremors at Mount St Helens.. there is a massive solar flare aimed right at earth.

And what do our noise networks give us?

Dick Morris on FOX NEWS…

Politics on MSNBC..

Snooze news on CNN..

Truly a shame. Such a grand amount of time devoted to mindless drivel.. So many minutes of the day wasted on news that doesn’t matter but just “stuff” like gossip, celebrity, and noise that poses as news.

As Dan Quayle said once, “What a waste it is to lose one’s mind or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”

Perhaps Dan was a prophet.