And they don’t want you to Gmail or Skype about it..
For some reason, Russia seems to be planning out a ban of Hotmail, Gmail, Skype, all because they pose a ‘security threat’ of some type to the nation.
“The FSB would like to ban these services in Russia because "security authorities cannot access them”
The UK TELEGRAPH further reports:
“Communications Minister Igor Shchegolev affirmed later that there were "no plans to cut off Skype, Gmail, Hotmail or any other foreign services working in Russia,” the Interfax news agency reported.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov on the other hand defended Mr Andreyechkin’s view, calling it “based on the (FSB) service’s duties” and “well-reasoned”, Interfax reported.“
Now how will Russian brides mailed to America communicate with family back home?