I had a brief conversation with my wife yesterday.. we pondered our existence, and wondered if ‘time’ is really going as fast as we perceive it.

My only argument was that the major earthquakes on this planet over the past decade did speed us up fractions of a millisecond–that was scientifically proven. Maybe that slight alteration in time does something to us over time.. maybe it in fact does make us feel that the passage of time–and in essence our trek around the sun–is changed. 


It’s because we have a child, and now a dog, and a rush of life with work and few pleasure. Could it be the plague of parents–the idea that you’re watching your child grow too fast and also facing your own eventual ‘ending’? It’s already December.

So it’s true that life has accelerated. Or that the parental brain drain has set in..

I don’t know.

But things seem to be rushing by lately.

Any takers on telling me why?