We have previously talked about 11B-X-1371… and days later it’s no less creepy than it was then.

Clyde Lewis did a particularly good show on it a few last week.. You should give it a listen if you have the chance., His follow up a day later was also good, including Jordan Maxwell into the conversation.

Otherwise, check out http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/11b-x-1371, the site I go to when I need to get on top of the current MEMES floating around the net. While there is not much on there I did not know at this point, there certainly is a good bit of information for newcomers to this topic..  

One point that is new information for me from only a few days ago:

  • On October 21st, Twitter user @Exen pointed to the now-abandoned Zofiowka Sanitarium near Otwock, Poland as the location where the video was filmed.

Debate continues.. what is the video? A threat? a test? a terrorist? or a movie/game ad?

Time will tell.. 

Maybe depending on what the conclusion it, we don’t want to know.