Pop culture after September 11 2001

It has unbelievably been 18 years since the September 11 2001 attacks.

Think about that for a moment, let it sink in.. When you were 18, or 19, or 21 like me, you were young.. large and in charge.. the world was in front of you. And now people who were 10, 11, or 12 when the 9/11 attacks occurred are coming of age.. graduating in ’19 with those strange memories in their brains…

For some of us who are in our 30s or 40s, we recall the first Gulf War.. we recall Kosovo and Bosnia.. those born after the 20th century never knew of those wars in their lifetimes, but instead grew  up in the post terror world.

They will now enter the workforce, or college… and we will come to know how 9/11 affected them.

For me? … It was a cool morning on 9/11… here in Pennsylvania where some of the hijacked planes actually circled, 78 degrees was the high temp under strangely blue skies….blue skies never before seen. Really. Those who lived through this event may recall just how beautiful of an early fall day 9/11/01 was..

This website has talked about 9/11 before in past articles..

We wrote about how serenity ended in Shanksville on 9/11..

We asked previously why do we always watch 9/11 videos..

We wrote about Hurricane Erin and how she almost prevented 9/11..

In 2015, it was revealed that most of the top 10 people in the president’s line of succession, including Vice President Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, either refused to follow the protocol and go to their designated secure sites, or were out of the country, or were never contacted

It is difficult for those who did not live through this event to know how the oddities of pop culture at the time..

David Letterman..
Conan O’Brien
Jay Leno

No one knew if life as we knew it would would continue.

But it did..

A memory..A  time.. a moment..
The past.. for you to enjoy again or see for the first time:

Bush delivers first words after 9/11:

Bush remarks that created a notion that the nation was under attack… the President appeared from what looked like a basement on 9/11, causing fears that the government was under siege..

Bush visited ground zero days after 9/11…

Days after 9/11 Bush threw out a perfect strike at a Yankees game

David Letterman remembers 9/11 years later

Here is David Letterman from September 17, 2001

When Letterman returned others did as well…

For me?

I was 21.. I was young ... I visited “Banana Joe’s” in Allentown and danced with someone who I would eventually marry..

Those who lived through 9/11 remember that visceral feeling.. Those who don’t only can read history.. allow me and others in their 30s and 40s to be your history. We lived through it.. and still feel it today.