Just giving this interview between former President Bill Clinton and outgoing Late Late Show host James Corden reminds me of how much of a fantastic dinner conversation Clinton must be..
The conversation delved into details on what Bill Clinton felt makes a good president, and his global initive..
But once Corden opened the show for questions, the first involved the hotly debated item that is on so many people’s minds as of late: Alien life!!
While the question was asked in a humorous tone with Clinton widely smiling and the audience chuckling, an interesting tidbit of intel was dropped for our public consumption.
Clinton immediately responded by downplaying the laughter of the audience, commenting that it was a legitimate question as to what the objects are that seem to defy all laws of physics. Clinton admitted that he and famed UFO hero (and controversial former Clinton official) John Podesta sent former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to Area 51 to see if there was alien life somewhere deep in the facility.
Clinton commented that he and his wife Hillary were at a large telescope in Hawaii and he asked scientists if they debate alien life possibly existing.. The answer, he commented: There was a hot debate, with one side saying it was 85% likely and other saying 95%..
The entire moment seemed to be a compellingly honest exchange with truly interesting information on that old 1990s meeting that must have taken place at Roswell..
You can see the full interview here:
Back in the summer of 1993, Bill Clinton was facing huge issues in his first year.. by that summer, students of history may recall that there were intense legislative battles and few top issues got done. The media was already labeling Bill as a one term president.. And one other interest group decided to protest him: UFO enthusiasts.
The media used it as a fluff piece to mock them more the President.. the Orlando Sentinel ran this piece on July 2, 1993:

Fast forward to 2022: We are much more open about the mysteries, with a number of public officials and military personnel stating that we are not really quite sure what some of these weird lights in the sky may be.
There is an old famous story that still swirls around about former President Richard Nixon. The rumor says Dick showed his friend and HONEYMOONERS star Jackie Gleason the bodies of dead aliens. While many have determined this story to be fanciful and filled with urban legend, it continues to this day to be exchanged..
During the presidential campaign of 1976, Jimmy Carter was forthcoming about his belief that he had seen a UFO. He described waiting outside for a Lion’s Club Meeting in Leary, Georgia, to begin, at about 7:30 p.m., when he spotted what he called “the darndest thing I’ve ever seen” in the sky. Carter, as well as 10 to 12 other people who witnessed the same event, described the object as “very bright [with] changing colors and about the size of the moon.” Carter reported that “the object hovered about 30 degrees above the horizon and moved in toward the earth and away before disappearing into the distance.” He later told a reporter that, after the experience, he vowed never again to ridicule anyone who claimed to have seen a UFO.
Of course after his election, he backed away as it seemed national security issues were at stake..
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It is worth mentioning that Bill Clinton was the president who did give the nation contrition on at least one portion of national shame and secrecy. In the 1990s, he had an open press conference and public release about horrific STRANGER THINGS style experiments on US citizens at the hands of its government.. While that focused only on radiation testing, it is alleged other forms of testing have occurred through the decades.