To me, this seems to be a pretty big deal: Facebook is going to let advertisers REPUBLISH user posts

You will be updating your Facebook, doing product placements, and won’t even know it..

From the AP story:

NEW YORK (AP) – Facebook users who check in to a store or “like” a brand may soon find those actions re-transmitted on their friends’ pages as a “Sponsored Story” paid for by advertisers.

Currently there is no way for users to decline this feature

There is something really creepy about Facebook, and anyone who thinks about it knows it, even if you have a Facebook.

I have been steadily ending lots of updates on there and stopped publishing my Coal Speaker Tumblr feed on there too for fear of this very thing.. I may not matter or be a big deal to the masses of advertisers, but.. even if there’s a chance an advertiser would use me without concern is enough to make me want to quit Facebook altogether.

To me, this seems to be a pretty big deal: Facebook is going to let advertisers REPUBLISH user posts