Some want the games to begin. Others are just ready for them to end.

The Olympic planning committee must be a paranoid lot. I’d join were I to know how to. They are worried about volcanoes and earthquakes during the games.. flooding and other mass casualty events. But it seems most pressing this year is something that may be realistic: An international event that could send the games spiraling into a political realm.. As a matter of fact, a TIMES OF ISRAEL article is reporting that the London Olympic planning committee is worried that Israel may strike Iran during the 2012 games... Londoners are worried about Iranian missiles that are reportedly capable of reaching the city..

Yet another report says that London is on high alert for terror attacks.  While this was likely and predictable, here is the part that is raising eyebrows: Israel fears that an Iranian terror squad is in London to attack Jewish athletes.

The games are set to begin. And with them will come pageantry and honor, decency and pride (and a lot of condoms, I think I read athletes are getting about 15 per person for a sex-ramped up romp double week of lust)… Hopefully the world will remain at peace. Hopefully the only battles will be on soccer fields or tracks.. or swimming pools or basketball courts. By God, the last thing this world needs is more anarchy and violence.. We are a small pale blue dot. We are tiny compared to this universe. And one filled with hate war.