Alcohol poisoning kills 6 men a day

This may rock the world you have been safely cocooned in for quite some time, but here ye go: The people who die from excessive drinking are not teens are college kids, but instead middle age males.. The deaths occur in ages between 35 and 64–the professional years when ‘happy hour’ consists of an entire night and beer inflated stomachs get even larger with rich foods, fancy cigars, and martinis. . the ‘classy male’ of stock photos is nothing like the real one in life.. The bulbous nose with red pours large enough to look like a crater on the moon.. This is the reality.. 
Throw into the mix, in a few dive bars in towns across America, those males who still wear their dimmed and faded high school varsity football jackets.. 

Also this.. the body changes after the age of 30. Anyone in their 30s could recognize that..

I have a personal tale about alcohol, one I will keep at a minimum but simply glaze over the top.. I have virtually quit drinking. The only lapse in judgement occurred just this Christmas when I had a bit too much wine, and then a stomach flu hit me causing me never to want to drink wine again. Ever..

I was a drinking expert in my 20s. . Looking at myself now, and photos of me then, I am not proud to admit I excessively drank.. It was a choice made after having a child, and realizing the pains that come with being drunk and hung over, and having a child with diapers to change.

While I don’t want to get preachy on a soap box, I contend that it’s a fine choice to make now to stop drinking, for anyone out there who is.. if you can handle alcohol and drink moderately, fine. But if you’re predisposed to have one too many, or ten too many, stop now. You may be a statistic .. 

And even if you’re not, you will soon not be able to see your feet and when you go to the bathroom, the netherworld will be a mystery.

Of course you can argue the premise that wine has health benefits. Which is may. But so does grape juice and dark chocolate.. and those won’t kill you or cause binge deaths..

Okay.. perhaps I was on more of a soap box than I expected there..
My apologies for the lecture.



….but this is reality:

Alcohol poisoning kills 6 men a day