The final Bye Bye

‘McLaughlin Group’ to air final episode Sunday — and with it comes a burst of nostalgia for me »


This show has been on for as long as I have been alive.
When I was young, my mom and dad loved politics. They debated at the dinner table—those old adages of religion and politics not being discussed was certainly not true in my family..

And from an early age in life, I recall the voice of John McLaughlin signing off the weekly Sunday show with a “bye bye”… As I turned 13, this show featuring old farts bantering about presidents and Congress became one of the chief reasons I eventually got interested in politics and current events…

I even vividly recall one hot summer morning when I was out riding bikes with friends. . looking at my watch and realizing it was 11:25 am.. And I burned two-wheeled rubber just to make it home in time for the half hour dedication to the absurdity that is American politics..

The show was a must see every week. As tech roared in and time wore out, I normally caught the show on Monday, after Sunday, online…

But the impact is clear. On my life and so many others.

John McLaughlin was a lighthouse during turblent times. He made sense of nonsense and political intrigue. He wore bow ties on New Years and had one of the quickest and yet most amazing shows I have ever seen.

If you wanted to know anyting about politics, the McLaughlin Group outlived them all. Outlived the Capitol Gang. Outlived Brinkley.. Russert.. it was a perplexing thing to understand for some new to it.. but after a few weeks, it all made perfect sense.

This Sunday will be the last day. The final show.. And without John McLaughlin, no more “bye byes” … or Gobble Gobbles on Thanksgiving..

And the beat goes on.