A Christian group is urging the world to get ready for the end times–end times that are set to begin May 21.. This Saturday. The rapture is coming, rapture ready followers of the doomsday prediction are getting ready for their immediate trip to heaven scheduled for this weekend.

The rest of us, the prediction so says, will have to wait until October for our demise. We will face the tribulation while the caravan of Christians, warning the world, will be in heaven watching the earth’s last dramatic days..

But.. my question posed here now: What will this group do on Sunday morning, the day after the end times.. the day after they were set to be raptured.. the day after they predicted the end of the world would occur. Will they attend Sunday mass or just leave religion altogether?

 Some are jokingly planning post-rapture looting on Facebook.

And I guess if the rapture happens, it won’t be jokingly..
Let the strangeness begin..