A critical week: A time to stay strong and STOP carrying on


There is a sudden urgency of time.. And all the while, time itself seems to grind to an ever approaching massive halt.

Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams warned Monday that the coronavirus outbreak will worsen this week and said that people across the country are not taking the threat seriously enough.

“I want America to understand this week, it’s going to get bad,” Adams said in an interview on the “TODAY” show.

The disease is spreading, he said, because many people — especially young people — are not abiding by guidance to stay at home and practice social distancing.

“Right now, there are not enough people out there who are taking this seriously,” he said.

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We wrote last week that it is never good to live through history.. that logic continues as further history was made within the previous seven days–and more monumental history is predicted to be made within the coming week.

We saw a massive shut down of virtually all life across virtually the entire planet. Highways were emptied of traffic.. Parks lost their appeal *though in major cities Mayors and Governors lamented people not keeping social distance* .. The United States government, and governments across are faced with a dreadful choice: Millions of deaths from COVID-19 or a crashing economy that teeters on the brink of not only Depression, but an ice age of epic proportions.

All in a week..



The race of history is so fast it’s difficult to keep up.

The media has tiptoed around delicate questions (how long can a nation and world mentally survive trapped in homes without any outlets to vent.. GO ONLINE they say! Stay virtual they say!)

Twitter and other social media outlets have been consumed by the increasing death toll rates from the coronavirus.. More is to come. The climbing rate of infection is on a curve that was predicted. The death toll may follow in the same fashion — we can only hope that ‘flattening the curve’ has worked in some regard.

We are coming to a pivotal moment for not only certain nations, but an entire global economy.. an American Constitutional Democratic Republic system .. And our humanity..

The Spanish Flu in 1918 (maybe we should have called it the Kansas flu???) snuck up on the globe.. In this instance, we viewed China from the outside.. The world nervously were optimistic that the Wuhan crackdown would work.. Rumors spread around the globe as to what was coming from China and would could be believed..  The virus got out. And now answers to those questions about the real numbers will be seen..

Italy has become ground zero in Europe for cases and deaths from COVID-19.. In the United States, California and New York City believe they may be the next hot beds.

Hospitals around the nation brace for impact within 72 hours.. If experts are right, emergency rooms and ICUs around the United States will look like Italy in only several hours or days..



The flattening of the curve may occur, but in the midst of disaster will quickly lose hope that our efforts worked.. we will think our actions were futile if some of the more awful doomsday predictions turn out to be correct.

What we need is time. Time to not only brace for impact, but digest what we have been through so far. What we don’t have is .. time. It’s a 24/7 race to try to understand this virus, the demographics it like to injure and kill, the way it spreads, and the way we will have to live. Maybe for the next several weeks.. several months.. Forever?

We will also need time for quiet reflection.. to understand what we have been through and where we are going.. Perhaps quiet reflection will be best acquired without the constant district of second-by-second updates on social media..


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We are glued to disaster.
We are all living in a nightmare.
And each morning when we wake up, we are reminded that it was NOT just a dream.

May God be with America, the world, and all of humanity.

The defining moment of a generation has begun.